South korean media : kim jong il may be visiting china 韩媒体:金正日可能在华访问
South korean media reports say mr . kim ' s train entered china before dawn tuesday near the border town of dandong , amid heavy security 韩国媒体报导,金正日的专列在星期二拂晓前进入边境城市丹东,那里戒备森严。
South korean media says the asylum seekers were arrested by chinese police in the city of shenyang in october and repatriated to north korea 韩国媒体报导,这几个寻求庇护的北韩人去年10月在沈阳被中国警方逮捕,并被遣返。
Along with the eye surgery , she also decided to have a little work done on her cheeks to increase their amplitude , south korean media reported 除此之外,她还决定在自己的双颊上也进行相应的手术,使它们看上去更为丰满一些。
According to accounts in the south korean media , the bridegroom ' s father said he received a gold - plated spoon among the gifts from the bride ' s family , but said he merited at least a silver spoon 据韩国媒体报道,新郎的父亲称新娘家送的聘礼中有一只镀金的汤勺,他认为新娘家至少应该送一只纯银的才行。